The new school building we have conceptualized shall have the kind of enviable infrastructure that will convince parents to send their wards to school. To achieve this, we have already started the school in a temporary rented premises. The school is an state of art vocational training institute where children are taught different skills like making paper bags, greeting cards, rachis, files, candles and these items are marketed with the proceeds passed over to the respective children. Thus developing and chanalized in the right direction.
Chetna Educational Society, school for special children is providing a caring community for all with complex language and cognitive disabilities. The school develops children’s competence and confidence in academics, social, and independent living skills.
Special provisions are made to educate and train parents in dealing with their special children. Parents are involved in every activity that their child undertakes.
Our school is an earnest effort to give VOICE TO THE VOICELESS and we sincerely hope like minded people join us in this NOBLE CAUSE…..