CHETNA CHARITABLE TRUST is a registered NGO in Goa, with a mission to empower, protect and educate the Special Children, so that they can enjoy healthy , independent and dignified living..
Founded in 2009 (Reg. No 266/GOA/09) trust has been a front runner, dedicated to humanitarian activities for overall development of special children. The mission is to develop appropriate opportunities, skills and capacities thus enabling them to realize their potential and latent talents. Also, creating awareness and sensitizing the masses for timely identifying and training these children so as to empower them and help in every possible way to give them an equal status in society like any other normal child.
As a resource centre for people with special need, we provide early intervention services, education, livelihoods, developments, training and awareness, thus fostering bias free world and unite all children.
As the Department of Education, Govt. Of Goa advised us that CHARITABLE TRUST cannot be registered as a SCHOOL, So to achieve the above objectives in totality CHETNA EDUCATION SOCIETY (Reg No. 57/GOA/2015) was formed in 2015.
Through this society while we provided the most suitable environment for special children, we did best of our performances in Art , Culture, Sports, Music and academics and have been earning laurels, and on the other side we have been conducting Awareness programmes for general public & normal school teachers etc.
To create a close affiliation and understanding with the parents of the special children we share their sentiments and feelings; and relieve them from stresses by involving them in activities like intra personal counselling on child to child basis, involving parents with activities of the school, keep parents connected and closely associated there by making little efforts to make them feel that the trust is continuously with them at all times and that they are not alone.